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Will Danielle Smith Keep Her Pre-election Promises?

Pre-election promises

Now that Danielle Smith is officially the Premier of Alberta, will she honour her pre-election promises make to Albertans?

What are the Promises Made?

  • Create a new tax bracket that would deliver about $760 more for everyone making more than $60,000 a year. Those making less would see a 20 per cent reduction to their provincial tax bill.
  • Extend the pause on the provincial fuel tax, with savings of 13 cents per litre at the pump, until the end of 2023.
  • Put into legislation a guarantee not to increase personal or business taxes without approval from Albertans in a referendum.
  • Contribute $330 million toward a new National Hockey League arena project for the Calgary Flames.
  • Follow a public health-care guarantee that no Albertan would have to pay for a doctor out of pocket.

  • Introduce a 25 per cent discount for seniors on personal registry services, camping fees and medical driving exams.

  • Bring in the proposed compassionate intervention act, allowing people with severe drug addiction to be forced into treatment.

  • Ensure all Albertans have access to $10-a-day daycare by 2026.

  • Implement the Safe Streets Action Plan to address crime concerns, including ankle-bracelet monitoring “for dangerous offenders out on bail” and deploying Sheriffs to monitor them, more patrol officers on Alberta streets, new anti-fentanyl trafficking teams and more funding for internet child exploitation units and gang suppression units.

Click to read about the Promises of UCP and NDP before the election.

Danielle Smith is Slow in Carrying Out These Promises

As I can see, now that Ms. Smith is Premier of Alberta, there has been no mention to the following promise, “Bring in the proposed compassionate intervention act, allowing people with severe drug addiction to be forced into treatment.” Perhaps it is in the works but not made public yet or enforced throughout Alberta. Read my article about the homeless, drug addicted problem in Alberta.

This is only one of the above promises. I challenge you the reader to post a comment what you think is also not being dealt with since Danielle Smith has become elected Premier.

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