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Proposing Alberta AISH and Seniors Housing Bill

Alberta Housing for Seniors and AISH

Alberta Government New Bill to Secure Housing for AISH Recipients and Seniors

A proposed bill to allow seniors and AISH recipients to rent apartments aligned with their income through government-sponsored non-profit organizations.

Many seniors and AISH recipients struggle to afford rising rental costs on fixed incomes. A new bill aims to provide truly affordable housing by enabling non-profits to offer rentals aligned with recipients’ incomes.

The Challenges Facing Seniors and AISH Recipients in Alberta’s Housing Market

High and Rising Rental Costs

  • -Market rental rates often exceed what those on fixed incomes can afford
  • -Landlords raising rents to match rising market values

Long Waitlists for Subsidized Housing

  • High demand for limited subsidized units
  • Can take a very long time to obtain subsidized housing

Overview of Proposed Bill

Allow Non-Profits to Offer Below-Market Rentals

  • Non-profits purchase properties to operate as affordable rentals
  • Rents set based on incomes, not market rates

Provincial Government Sponsors Participating Non-Profits

  • Provides funding for building upgrades and maintenance
  • Non-profits can operate sustainably while offering affordable rents

Benefits of the Proposed Approach

Provides Truly Affordable Housing Options

  • Recipients pay rent aligned with fixed income
  • Avoids unaffordable market rate rents

Faster Solution Than Subsidized Housing

  • Bypasses long waitlists for subsidized units
  • Provides affordable housing more quickly

Allows Recipients to Remain in their Communities

  • Avoids displacing those who can’t afford rising market rents

The proposed bill would provide much-needed affordable housing tailored specifically for seniors and AISH recipients facing rising rental costs and long waitlists for subsidized housing.

Urge your MLA to support this important bill to protect affordable housing access for Alberta’s most vulnerable residents.

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