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New Federal IPSOS Poll Unfair

IPSOS Poll on Early Election

New IPSOS Poll About Early Federal Election in Canada is Unfair

The news this morning reported on an Ipsos poll finding that over half of Canadians do not want an early federal election. However, as a resident of Calgary, Alberta, I have not encountered anyone in my extensive personal network who is aware of this so-called Ipsos poll or its findings about Canadians’ desire for an early vote.

Who Was Involved in the IPSOS Poll?

I am subscribed to mailing lists for both the federal and Alberta governments, yet I have not received any invitation to participate in a poll on this topic. This raises questions about who exactly was surveyed by Ipsos and whether the sample was representative of all Canadians across the provinces.

The article also states that Canadians believe the Liberal party would fare the same under a new leader as it would with Trudeau. I find this claim dubious, given the widespread perception of Trudeau’s fiscal mismanagement and its impact on the Canadian economy.

Lack of Transparency

It seems problematic that a poll with such broad implications for the country was not made widely accessible to all Canadians. The lack of transparency and potential bias in the survey’s methodology calls the reliability of its findings into question. All provinces and demographics should have been equally represented in order for this poll to provide an accurate reflection of national sentiment regarding an early election.

In summary, the reported Ipsos poll results appear questionable and potentially skewed to favor the current government. A truly representative nationwide survey accessible to all Canadians would be necessary to determine the public’s genuine views on the prospect of an early federal election.

Read about this IPSOS poll on Global News.

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